
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I was going to blog about training camp, and I will, but I was talking to God about it and He told me to write about worship. Worship means the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration of God. We can worship God by praising His name, singing, dancing, bowing down to Him,etc. I want to talk about when we worship Him. God has been and still showing me to worship Him not just in good times ,but hard times.

He has been leading me to Psalm 34 “I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak His praises. I will boast only in the Lord; let all who are helpless take heart. Come, let us tell of the Lord’s greatness;let us exalt His name together.” God is so good, even when I am not. God is holy, even when I am not. God is the most high, even when I am at my lowest.

I am God’s beloved, and He is mine.

Right now I am writing a blog in a van on my way to Florida, feeling more homesick than ever. I miss my family and my home, but I am still gonna worship God, because He is a good Abba (Father).

We are to constantly worship Him, so praise Him at the highest point as well. We hiked a mountain during training camp, and it was so beautiful!!! I was watching the sunset on the top of this mountain, the only thing I could do was worship God and praise Him for the beauty of His creation.

So remember, Worship God in the lowest valley and on the highest point of the mountain.

4 responses to “Worship”

  1. Keeping you in our prayers,
    You are so brave and stronger than you think , I know God has big plans for you and will use you in a mighty way : God’s speed 🙏🏻🙏🏻

  2. Praying for you as you continue on this journey! Praying that He fills you with the peace that only He can while you are apart from your family. Love you!

  3. We miss you too, sweet girl. The faith, trust, and devotion you show everyone in your life remind us that we all need to worship more to get closer to God. You are such an inspiration to so many.
    Continue to worship and trust in him, he will lead you thru this!

    Love you Baby Girl.